1 posted on
09/23/2024 12:49:07 PM PDT by
To: Morgana
Thank you for posting this.
2 posted on
09/23/2024 12:57:45 PM PDT by
(What are the personal implications if the Resurrection of Christ is a true event in history?)
To: Morgana
To Planned Prevent Parenthood, women's health is secondary to killing babies.
To: Morgana
Companies can scrub negative reviews from their Google search results.
The reviews of my former doctor were hilarious, accurate and negative.
They have since disappeared.
Don’t expect negative reviews of PP will stick around.
To: Morgana
In Nebraska, they passed a law that abortionists had to have admission rights at a hospital in case one of the abortionists “patients” had a medical emergency.
6 posted on
09/23/2024 1:15:34 PM PDT by
Mean Daddy
(Every time Hillary lies, a demon gets its wings. - Windflier)
To: Morgana
I actually feel badly that I don’t feel sorry for them. Murder is a dirty business, and when one gets involved in it, unpleasant consequences shouldn’t be a surprise
10 posted on
09/23/2024 1:52:38 PM PDT by
(23 years on Free Republic, 12/10/23! More than 8,000 replies and still not shutting up!)
To: Morgana
1 in 100,000 abortions end in death of both the mother and the child
per the NIH.
11 posted on
09/23/2024 2:29:10 PM PDT by
(The history of the present Federal Government is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations ...)
To: Morgana
I have the hardest time mustering any sympathy for these women. Think what suffering they were willing to subject their babies to...
12 posted on
09/23/2024 2:42:48 PM PDT by
(Fight! Fight! Fight!)
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