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To: ransomnote

My electricity runs about $0.55 per kWh.
This BS agreement will push it at least 20% higher.
What happened in Lahina was standard “AiNoKea”
I live on the BI but I will pay thier bills
for bad decisions on the part of Honolulu centric Democrats.
Most Lahina people that were burned out will leave Hawaii.
The crappy plantation houses they lived in will have to be replaced by modern houses costing many times more than the owners could afford, so write off that group of people, they can’t afford modern housing.
Until you have seen Plantation housing think of it as single walled, slave housing, cheap and expendable.
That is why it burned so fast.
That is what that part of Lahina was.
I’ve lived in Hawaii 24 years now so I know their
“I’m a victim” BS. Don’t buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 posted on 08/02/2024 11:28:14 PM PDT by rellic (rough)
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To: rellic

You’ve lived in Hawaii for 24 years and you spell Lahaina ‘Lahina’?

4 posted on 08/03/2024 12:32:24 AM PDT by Right Brother (From Biden to Harris. From pee pads to kneepads.)
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To: rellic

If I had a hill behind my house that was a fire hazard, and there was a fire that almost burned down my neighborhood, I would be doing something about that. I would hire an attorney, get my neighbors to sue the landholder, get politically active. Lahaina had a fire that almost burned that town down five years prior to the fire that actually did burn Lahaina down. In the interim five years between the two fires, no one ( except one family) did anything. Lahaina is second to Waikiki for tourism , yet nothing was done. Its the Hawaiian way. Put your head in the sand. In some ways, I have sympathy. On the other hand, if you don’t look out and take care of your town, consequences happen. Most of those people will have to move, and eventually, wealthy people will move in. I bet you the new residents will be a lot more proactive. It was laziness and stupidity, just like how they vote in Hawaii.

8 posted on 08/03/2024 8:37:22 AM PDT by kaila
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To: rellic

Love the Big Island . Have been there 3 times with the wife visiting from Japan . Too bad about the local politicians on the BI and elsewhere in HI , though . Will it ever change ? Doubtful , huh ?

11 posted on 08/03/2024 2:28:43 PM PDT by sushiman
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