True, Birthers are like transexuals in that way. The Tranny will holler up and down that gender is a social construct, and that people with penises can be women too. Then, they go get their penis cut off so that they can be a woman.
That same kind of adherence to Delusion is why Birthers are still promoting this silliness after 16 years of loss and failure. There is just something mentally screwed up about some people. Why would any sane person, for example, refuse to get a driver’s license and put fake SovCit tags on their vehicle? Then, argue with the police, get their window busted, get arrested and get their vehicle towed - and then do it all over again? Do they like the attention? Do they like punishment? Or, are they just insane? Probably all three, plus various personality disorders. Same with Birthers.
How long did slavery go on before the idiot courts recognized all humans have a right to be free?
The Courts are pompous clowns with overinflated senses of their own importance.
And like I already told you, this issue has been an issue since at least 1795, so *WAY* longer than 16 years.
Now you go back and hide again, and refuse to address any of the points I make.