he keeps lying. it’s what he does.
This is from snopes? They must have gotten their marching orders.
If you factor in even partially the price of food, motor fuels and utility bills, the inflation rate could be 3 to 4 percent higher. That could have forced the Feds to bump up the prime lending rate quite a bit, and that would have screeched the US economy to an effective halt.
What Snopes leaves out is that the "economic recovery" was the recovery from the Wu-flu insanity and that Biden started, on his first day, to destroy our energy supplies. The rapid rise in fuel costs drove up the prices of all delivered goods.
ANNUALIZED CPI per month...
Sep 2020: 1.4%
Oct 2020: 1.2%
Nov 2020: 1.2%
Dec 2020: 1.4% (Average for the year: 1.2%)
Jan 2021: 1.4%
The jump began in March 2021 (2.6%) and rocketed up from there... 4.7% for the entire year of 2021.
2022 was the really bad year: 8.0% average for 2022 with a high of -- here it is -- 9.1% in Jun 2022 (which should tell you just how consistently bad things were over the course of the entire year).
2023 had moderated prices a bit... 4.1% for the year and thus far, 2024 has been better: the reported numbers (which I don't trust, BTW): have been between 3.0 and 3.5% through July.
Well, that’s a bit of a surprise. Not that Biden lied, but that Snopes called him out in it.
Snopes usually twists and turns to get Democrats off the hook. So I expected something like: “Biden is partially correct because in 2021 inflation for imported coffee pots was running at 9%.”
By the way, note how Snopes had to mention “rapid economic growth” under Biden. They just couldn’t help themselves.
Of course, Trump himself publicly ripped the Senate for refusing to pass in December 2020 the $2000 stimulus check bill that he wanted. So though its fair to blame Biden, Trump wanted to do the same thing.
No, but about a year after he “became” (as if by magic) president, it began its assent off the charts, if the truth were told.
“He keeps saying it”
That’s what you do when your target audience is stupid, and the media runs cover for you.
just one of the countless lies Biden continues to tell over and over
the bottom line is this: Democrats broke their WORLD with their over reaction to Covid.