Dazed and confused. He really needs to resign and go spend his days on the beach with Dr. Jill and Hunter.
I’d say it’s past his impeachment time.
Dazed and confused?
That would be a good day for him.
Random word generator is more par for the course for him.
Jill Biden must really hate Joe and Hunter. She wasted her life with them and now she has nothing but hate.
Dazed and Confused would be a great song title. 😊
“ Dazed and confused. He really needs to resign and go spend his days on the beach with Dr. Jill and Hunter”
“Dr” Jill and cocaine hunter will stuff joe in a home as soon as he is no longer useful. Their behavior over the last several years esp the good dr have been nothing but exploitive and abusive
A president should be strong enough to command our armed forces in defending the country against enemies, smart enough to deal with the problems we face, and eloquent enough to tell us how and why.
A president should NOT BE a frail figurehead who we hope can mumble his barely coherent way through a press conference without forgetting who or where he is.
No...they all should spend their final days in prison for lieing to America all of the time ..