I haven’t been around all day, but I will answer you now. Maybe ultimatum was not the right word. I questioned myself after I hit post, but as we all know there is no edit function here. I normally let the chips fall where they may anyway.
More to the point was the general haranguing The poster was issuing to members of the FreeRepublic and to the senior members in particular. It was totally uncalled for, unnecessary, and not in the spirit of this forum.
I may have bobbled the terminology, but I stand by calling the poster out.
I appreciate your reply. You seem to be making mountains out of mole hills and can give it out but are offended if you get it back. And I thought we got over the “newb” thing years ago. I’m a VN combat vet and 74 years old and haven’t been here as long as you so I suppose you’d call me a newb, too.
Have a good evening.