Oh, there’s a body count.
And Deep State is privy to it.
Anyone with access to medical data is privy to it.
Why do you think Deep State needs to screw with ICD-10 coding.
OK, cite it.
Anyone with access to medical data is privy to it.
There are plenty of doctors who would have cited it long ago had they this data you suppose exists, McCullough and Malone being prime examples.
Not exactly "anyone".
Very specifically, the life insurance companies and health insurance companies picked up on this trend by 2022 with their actuarial studies. Executives who suggested this in public were quickly fired from German and British insurance companies.
They all knew. They made adjustments to insurance pricing and payout terms to protect themselves. They remained silent to the public. But they have large volumes of reliable data and could tell you the differential mortality rates of "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated" populations to four decimal places in several different countries. They are not going to do that.
Quick summary: The average life span of persons in their twenties who received two or more mRNA treatments is expected to be in the late 50's or early 60's. That is a 25-30 drop. It's going to leave a mark.
Doctors who were paying attention figured out the trends pretty quickly. Those who voiced public objections were removed from their hospital jobs, or lost licenses, or were vilified in the press.
Doctors who did not pay attention, which was most of them, kept pushing the mRNA treatments just like the government and the pharmaceutical reps told them to do.
Some "Health Care" organizations are still pushing the mRNA treatments. Uptake has dropped considerably, however.
Merck and Pfizer were rescued from bankruptcy and made over 100 billion dollars in revenue from the mRNA treatment programs that were forced on the population. Their senior executives became wealthy. They knew what they were doing. They were very well paid to do it.
Oligarchies in Western countries have been enamored for the last 30 years with the idea that the world is overpopulated, and the number of people should be reduced. Bill Gates, in particular, has made repeated and explicit statements about using vaccines and public health programs to achieve such reductions. He is only one of many such voices in the high circles and not even the most extreme.
The COVID-19 project, and the coerced mRNA "treatments" achieved some of what the Deep State and Oligarchy sponsors wanted. They were not completely successful. Perhaps the new "Bird Flu" project will work.
The beneficiaries will make every effort to continue deceiving the public in order to avoid retaliation.