This reminds me of Muhammed Ali’s last fight.
Cosell lamented this was the end of a fighter and said the entire fight was a tragedy.
This is elder abuse of Joe Biden - but with his entire criminal family facing jail he’s gotta run because he can’t hide.
couldn't happen to a bigger piece of sh#t. I am LOVING it. I just wish the 2 minute video delay and CNN cutting Biden off in mid babble were allowed to be played.
The only thing better was for Biden to stand there quietly and just sh#t in his diaper on stage... I would die laughing....
He's a douche, a criminal and a nasty bitter man with the IQ of a jar of jelly.... He has to know and his cretin swamp dwellers know that this wet noodle is the "best of the democrat party". hahahahahhaha......
Every single miscreant, sexual deviate, spineless jellyfish and idiot is represented in this administration. They are literally the turd that won't go down the toilet drain