Oh no, not Oddball! Well, he did have the element of surprise.
He took on three Tigers!
The tora of the title, although literally meaning "tiger", is actually an abbreviation of a two-syllable codeword (i.e., totsugeki raigeki 突撃雷撃, "lightning attack"), used to indicate that complete surprise had been achieved.[4]
See what happens when I leave out stuff?!
On the baseball thread in post 13, I was going to include that as an analog to the Torah bookended by the bet and lamed, the internal letters of the word "baseball" = 88.
But I didn't, because you know how it never ends. It made me think of the DMC time machine, and of the Singing Cowboy, the owner of the Angels maybe not having enough rope to get up to 88.
"Where we're going we don't need rope."
It's like that house, a "bight".
What's around the bend? A curve ball?! Kris Krist-offer-son turns 88 the Day after Tomorrow.