To: bitt; little jeremiah; thinden; Richard Kimball; RinaseaofDs; overkill_007_2000; The Klingon; ...
1,512 posted on
06/23/2024 3:15:28 PM PDT by
( Quit dreaming I'm told, never says the Broomstick Cowboy = All things are possible with God!)
To: bitt; little jeremiah; thinden; Richard Kimball; RinaseaofDs; overkill_007_2000; The Klingon; ...
1,653 posted on
06/24/2024 2:44:26 PM PDT by
( Quit dreaming I'm told, never says the Broomstick Cowboy = All things are possible with God!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson