They’ll be charged with kidnapping.
And yet they got away
“They eventually jumped into one of the lanes and stopped a car, which they used as their final and successful act of a getaway”
> THIS renews my hope in America. <
Sorry, but don’t get too optimistic. Your typical urban hoodlum will cut and run when faced with a determined citizenry. The gangsters Biden is letting in from our southern border will be a bit more resolute.
Not mine. There were plenty of bodies to beat them if they resisted, and someone should have thought to back up against the back door that EVERY shop has.
The article also buries at the bottom details which suggest that they carjacked a car on the interstate to get away.
And never cites the robbers’ race. Telling.
Is Tennessee a constitutional carry state? Could an armed shopper have picked them off at the back door?