Is image creation limited to the paid version?
Is image creation restricted to desktops OS’s?
Can image creation be done on apple ipads and iPhones?
Thank you.
i think for Chatgpt it is limitted- the ones i listed above are free and give you a good number of renders per day- just keep the number of renditions per task to 2-4 and it won’t rip through credits too fast- also certain models/styles use more or less credits depending- so keep an eye on that too- there are lots of models to choose from
I like the ‘Whimsical” model in stylar for artwork that looks primitive almost- as that is the type of art i do sort of- but there are lots to choose from- stylar has good 3-d capabilities- leonardo not so much
Yes, image creation is limited to the paid version. There is an app that you can download for iPad (which is what I used to create these) and iPhone.