It’s all great, but even if Trump wins, by some amazing landslide, the future of this nation turning itself around is really doubtful. People are too far gone, too stupid, too values free, unaware of the true sacrifice it takes to preserve a nation like we’ve seen. Our decline has been in motion for decades. It’s a nation of takers, border crossers, cross dressers, drug users ...atheism on the rise. I hate to be pessimistic, but I just don’t see any of it getting any better as the current younger generations just does not seem to have what it takes. I hope I’m wrong.
Pray for a revival to hit this nation like a tsunami, turning our hearts to God, righteousness and justice.
You are sadly most likely correct.
No president can turn around what the liberals have created. The best anyone can do is to watch out for their own, and shield them as much as possible from the decay liberalism has wrought.