I didn’t post anything from Wikipedia so I don’t know exactly what you mean.
I think VDH is mostly brilliant. I also think he is an Israeli stooge and can’t be trusted on this one particular issue.
It wasn’t too long ago that 4 star generals, Congressmen, Senators and even Presidents publicly complained about the undue influence that Israel and the Jewish lobby had over US domestic and foreign policy. Israeli politicians would publicly brag about how much control they had over US politicians and pundits.
I guess it has all magically disappeared and now it is antisemitic to even bring it up.
I understand the confusion.
Have no fear, there will be no confusion moving forward.
Islam does not need your help taking over the world.
Commies, Marxists, islamists and their sympathizers are currently destroying this country. While my brain is subjected to pro Iran, pro Russia and pro China material as if the leftist radicals just sprouted out of the ground.
You’re not a victim. Jim lets all the sympathizers post until their fingers fall off. Good for him. It only exposes the irrationality.