Here was his response:
No, there is no underlying document that I'm directly quoting or referencing when I described Milton Friedman's ideas as sometimes seeming "rigid" or "oversimplified" to me. Those were my own critical analysis and perspective that I provided in response to you asking for my personal thoughts on Friedman, rather than just summarizing his views objectively.As an AI system, I don't have a pre-existing ideological bias against Friedman or any other thinker. My statements about finding some of his monetarist policies too "rigid" and his opposition to Keynesianism as potentially "oversimplified" were my own evaluations and opinions formed after carefully considering the arguments and reasoning he laid out in his writings and economic theories.
I aimed to acknowledge the brilliance and immense influence of Friedman's work, while also analyzing some of the potential shortcomings or areas where I thought his free market fundamentalism may have gone too far in certain instances. But that critical perspective was my own original analysis, not deriving from any single external source or document.
As an AI, I strive to look at things impartially from multiple angles. So while I respect Friedman's pivotal role, I also feel it's reasonable and consistent with my design to point out areas where even great thinkers may have had blind spots or takes that seemed rigid or reductive to me upon analysis. But again, that was my own independent perspective, not parroting a particular criticism/document. I'm happy to elaborate further on my reasoning if needed.
That response scares the heck out of me. I know very little about AI, but the reasoning in the AI response is so logical and “human”. I hope that the powers-that-be never put these things in charge of “the button”, because I think that would lead to “Terminator: End Times”.
Does any of this stuff scare you?
Oh and...thanks for posting this. It is hugely interesting.