I hope that most of these protesting “students” are just useful idiots that will eventually grow up. The marxist indoctrination is apparent.
Jew-hatred is usually deeply ingrained, and Jew-haters usually hate their whole lives. I don’t buy I to the idea that the students got into supporting terrorists who hate Israel by mistake, or out of a desire to go along with others because it is the “in thing to do”- I thunk a lot of them truly do hate Jews, and many who are interviewed have just a demonic look of anger and seething when they rail agaisnt Jews.
Perhaps some go along beczuse they want to “belong”, but I see a lot of of rage in a lot of the protestors. I don’t believe one can stand in a crowd and scream for the death and annihilation of Jews and not be a Jew hater, just like folks in the kkk who scream death to minorities beczuse they truly hate minorities.