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It Couldn't Be Done, was sponsored by Bell System on Thursday evening, April 2 at 7:30 pm (EST)." This quote is from the official program guide for the telecast. The program covered the building of the Hoover Dam, Transcontinental Railway, Mount Washington Cog Railroad, Stone Mountain, George, Chief Crazy Horse, Indiana's Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Great Serpent Mound in Ohio, (5,000 years old), Panama Canal, Erie Canal, Eads Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, Royal Gorge Bridge, Mackinac Bridge, Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, Holland Tunnel, Watts Towers, Falling Waters House by Frank Lloyd Wright, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Milwaukee Wisconsin, World Trade Center Towers (in progress), Empire State Building, NASA Launch Complex 39... Written by Dr. Ali Fant, WB5WAF
1970, It Couldn't Be Done, Lee Marvin, the 5th Dimension | 54:51
Old Film Preservation | 23.4K subscribers | 3,531 views | December 18, 2019
1970, It Couldn't Be Done, Lee Marvin, the 5th Dimension | 54:51 | Old Film Preservation | 23.4K subscribers | 3,531 views | December 18, 2019
0:00·serving you and now the star of paint your wife watch your host Lee Marvin man
·Gutzon Borglum
0:07·has always strive for immortality some larger small way of letting generations
0:13·to come nobody has been here the task happens to be one that the experts say cannot possibly be done when the
0:20·challenge is even greater the urge to leave our individual mark on
0:27·this earth is with us all a child sandcastle might easily wash away but
0:32·his dreams might someday lead to conquering the impossible such a dreamer
0:37·was sculptor Gutzon Borglum in 1927 Borglum working on a model in the studio
0:43·near mount rushmore south dakota began a project of the experts said simply couldn't be done as a tribute to
0:50·American democracy Borglum had decided to carve the world's largest memorial out of the solid
0:55·granite of the Black Hills his son
1:02·Lincoln Borglum supervised much of the carving and remembers that for men's difficulties and his father faced this
1:09·was a thing to convince people that you could go up onto the side of a mountain a piece of raw granite and create a
1:16·memorial the usual reaction was that it was impossible but it couldn't be done
1:23·and of course this goes back to the basic thinking that most people feel
1:28·that nothing can be done if they haven't seen it done before we tried to use trained stone carvers when you took them
1:36·out of the environment of a stone quarry and hung them on the side of a mountain on the end of a cable and they look down
1:42·between their legs and they see 300 feet straight down to the ground their perspective all change and their work
1:48·suffered entirely from I mean they were not happy all they were interested in was getting back up that cable to the top of the mouth
1:55·I think you constantly lived with danger
2:00·but it was a calculated risk so that you worked really worried about it you knew
2:06·that if you stepped back off the scaffolding you'd fall a couple hundred feet so you didn't step back off the scaffolding work often stopped because
2:14·of the lack of money Gutzon Borglum had to make frequent trips to Washington to plea for additional funds with good weather and
2:23·sunlight only available a few months of each year Lincoln Borglum and his co-workers struggled against the odds
2:28·and the granite of the Black Hills there was no textbook on mountain carving and Gutzon Borglum the artist
2:35·also had to become an engineer a geologist in the minor but the artist always prevailed Abraham Lincoln's eyes
2:45·are life light because Borglum recessed the pupil to remain in the shadow except for shafts of granite to reflect the
2:52·light since the granite here erodes less than one inch every 100,000 years
2:57·Borglum was confident that his memorial would last for eternity
3:08·one of borglum's assistant mountain carvers remembers a tourist Oh some of the questions that marvelous I
3:14·remembered I worked on Rushmore they wanted to know what they did with the heads in the winter time we always told them will you put him in the studio
3:21·after all you can't leave him out there in a cold father and son work together for 13
3:27·years and then sadly Gustin died a year before Rushmore was completed it had not
3:32·been for his dedication to this concept it would never have been done he mortgaged his immortal soul to see that
3:39·it was going to be tired it's not basically a monument to the four figures
3:45·that are up there but to what these men represented and the growth and the
3:50·progress of the United States as much as I have been there crawl all over that
3:56·damn piece of rock measured every inch of it time after time I can't ever go back up
4:05·there without getting a lump in my throat Oh gonna change that
4:22·Meeta but Mount Rushmore was not to be the
4:27·last of the mountain - we have the same principle as a jet engine it has the
4:32·same fuel and we are carving with the backlash from the torch at Stone
4:38·Mountain Georgia the largest single work of sculptural art in the world has just been completed a tribute to the
4:44·Confederacy featuring general robert e lee Jefferson Davis and general Stonewall Jackson the carved out area is
4:52·approximately the size of a football field
4:57·we talk with large Falkner sculptor over the torch in the old days in the 20s
5:03·when they were working up them there was 30 and 35 men today we have myself doing
5:10·the carving and I have two young men helping me so that's a big crew of three
5:16·one man with a torch can carbonate ours what used to take eight men a week to do by hand but the danger is still there I
5:23·think the funniest expression you can see on a man's face there is where he'll be working on a platform a scalpel and
5:31·to be working and take one step backwards and maybe step from just the
5:36·thickness of a board from one level to the other and you see his face go right he looks right on the see if anybody saw
5:42·him this is something that is a little humorous but dangerous at the same time
5:48·[Music] [Applause] [Music]
5:53·then was cordial Kowski just a few miles from Mount Rushmore also in the Black
5:59·Hills of South Dakota he and his five sons are carving the figure of Chief Crazy Horse's a tribute to the American
6:05·Indians Jule Kowski now 61 has been planning and working on the project for over 30 years ever since an Indian Henry
6:13·Standing Bear asked him to carve a memorial for his people
6:18·I had $174 to stop this project though I bought a cow and dug a well visit a tent
6:25·down there about seven months people kind of skeptical about it to show the
6:32·people this concept Tsiolkovsky carved a huge detail model of Chief Crazy Horse but when the monument is carved in the
6:38·mountain its size will be staggering the Indians head alone will be as large
6:43·as the foreheads of Mount Rushmore combined and four thousand people could stand in the area under the art jewel
6:51·Kowski works without the benefit of government funds preferring to keep his work independent mr. Stewart Udall I
6:57·like you very much he's the Secretary of the Interior came here about six years ago yes said Mr shokalskiy how long it
7:04·take you to finish this project and I said I don't know five or ten million dollars he said that's what I've heard
7:09·well he said I'll tell you what you do you come to Washington in wisht to town we'll have a will draw up an ironclad
7:15·contract and between the government yourself Secretary of Interior and the
7:24·crazy earth Commission I said an ironclad contract isaac mr. secretary
7:31·tell me about those ironclad treaties you drove with the Indians well you know he didn't get angry with
7:38·me thank heavens because we are still good friends today but you asked how
7:44·much it gonna cost it could have been done yes the skeptics and the doubters continued to question Corps shocked one day years and years
7:51·ago I went down to watch the blast down at the studio this fellow said to me
7:58·mister how do you know that crazy was in that mountain well I looked at mine I
8:04·didn't quite believe him but he was serious and I said what I'll tell you what I do every morning I bid I drill
8:10·about 810 16-foot holes then I fill them
8:15·full of dynamite and just as I pull up the plunger I say crazy are you there and I push the plunger down he says
·Indian Cultural Center
8:25·horshack jewel Kowski calls himself a storyteller installed but this veteran
8:31·of Omaha Beach is also a dreamer who wants to build here someday an Indian cultural center and university
8:37·and medical complex there are experts who say it can't be done and skeptics who say it will never be done the core
8:45·Jacque continues his dream a tribute to the Indians of America and to Mans endurance to build the impossible
·Washington Monument
8:58·area code 202 Washington DC the nation's
9:05·capital the Lincoln Memorial [Music] Jefferson rotunda
9:12·and the Washington Monument in 1832 when money was raised by subscription and
9:18·blocks of stone were sent from every state a lot of people said it couldn't be done but it was the Washington
9:27·Monument went to the public in 1888 [Music]
9:33·a hollow shaft of stone over 555 feet high it has a high-speed elevator inside
9:39·that whisks you to the top in 70 seconds from here you can see all of Washington
9:46·when you take your trip to Washington share all the fun and excitement with your family by long distance the bridge
·James YZ
9:56·builders of America certainly lead the parade when it comes to building what people said couldn't be done for example
10:03·it was a guy back in 1867 James YZ was his name and he announced through the
10:08·world that he was going to bridge the mighty Mississippi River well all the experts said that he was crazy
10:14·in fact the convention of 27 of the world's leading engineer's condemned the idea as foolhardy and he responsible but
·George Washington Roebling
10:23·EADS knew more about the turbulent Mississippi than any man alive and he was a natural engineering genius at st.
10:30·Louis he created a triple span arch bridge over 1500 feet and to end but he
10:36·did it with a material that had never before been used for a bridge superstructure steel in 1873 EADS
10:44·completed the so-called impossible bridge across the Mississippi where it stands today nearly a century later
10:52·at the same time another gifted engineer George Washington Roebling took over the
10:57·construction of the Brooklyn Bridge which had been started by his father while fighting it underwater fire on the
11:02·bridge foundation roebling's suffered caisson disease from rapid decompression what they call today the bends ahead of
11:12·him was a decade of work demanding the most exacting knowledge and technical skill but now he was crippled with some
11:18·brain damage and scarcely able to talk and then began the unbelievable story although every movement was torture
11:25·roving devised a code with his wife Emily tapping on her arm to give her instructions Emily in turn studied
11:33·mathematics engineering and bridge design eventually she was able to take her husband's tapped out instructions
11:38·and transmit his orders to his assistant engineers and to inspect construction
11:44·Roebling when he was able watch the progress from his window through binoculars Thomas Edison took these rare
11:51·pictures of the construction of the new Brooklyn Bridge
11:56·and then on May 24th 1883 Roebling looking through his binoculars saw what
12:01·his wife described as gray granite towers standing tall and strong for the
12:06·cables shimmering in the Sun and as the mayors of New York and Brooklyn joined with the president Chester Arthur
12:12·and Governor Grover Cleveland to officially open the bridge tears streamed on the faces of Emily and
12:17·George Rowland after 13 tortures he is they had completed their Brooklyn Bridge
12:24·[Music] [Applause] [Music]
12:36·since then many famous and beautiful bridges have been created in America such as the verrazano-narrows in New
12:42·York and the Royal Gorge Bridge in Colorado and then there is what the
12:48·bridge builders around the world call the bridge by 1920 bridge designer
12:54·Joseph Strauss had built 399 bridges throughout the world and he dreamed that his 400th bridge would do the impossible
13:01·bridge the world-famous harbor of San Francisco for 10 years Strauss had
·The Impossible Bridge
13:07·opposition from all sides vested interests brought court injunctions claiming tolls would be excessive
13:13·eminent geologists said that an earthquake would completely demolish any bridge across the Golden Gate some of
13:19·the world's leading engineers claims it would be totally impossible to work under the ferocious winds and tides of the channel many people protested that
13:26·any bridge would ruin the natural beauty of the harbor but in 1933 the voters of
13:31·five Bay area counties passed a 35 million dollar bond issue and Strauss
13:37·started to build the bridge that couldn't possibly be built
13:42·[Music] Strauss designed the towers to rise 746
13:50·feet above the bay 190 feet taller than the Washington Monument he had little
13:57·trouble with the North Tower since its foundation was on solid rock but the foundation of the South Tower seemed to
14:03·be an impossibility fighting channel depths of over 300 feet with currents up to 15 and 20 knots and
14:09·winds sometimes as high as 75 miles an hour Strauss Atta constructs what would be
14:15·the equivalent of a ten-story building under water the access trestles to the
14:21·foundation site were wrecked twice first by a fog-bound ship and then by a storm and critics of the bridge scream for a
14:29·halt to the construction for over a year the bridge builders waged their historic fight in conditions equivalent to the
14:35·open sea they blasted bombs on the channel floor and poured concrete into those 10-story underwater foundations as
14:43·the pier finally broke through the surface of the channel it was held around the world as one of the
14:48·engineering marvels of all time however the bridge builders battle against the Golden Gate had only begun during
14:58·earthquakes the towers swayed violently and the men working at the top actually got seasick
15:10·[Music] but the towers continue their dramatic rise above the golden gate we're all set
15:17·here are you ready barge okay we're coming
15:22·across [Music] we're riding fair reeling out bad the
15:30·first cable was carried across the channel and hauled to the top of the tower the first of 80,000 miles of wire
15:36·the cable spinning operation was underway they had a fight storms winds
·The Marin Tower
16:09·cars and fog throughout the next three years inspector Wesley gets remembers his days
16:15·on the towers we go out take the elevator to the top of a San Francisco
16:21·Tower and then walk across the catwalk to the Marin Tower was usually foggy and
16:28·windy and cold good deal like today and you are rubber rain gear to keep dry by
16:35·the time you had hiked up the catwalk to the top of the Marin Tower it was like rubber rain gear like being in a Turkish
16:42·bath you were just soaked to the skin you might as well lucked the rain gear off
16:50·one day trouble developed out on one of the cables - bridge builders volunteered to climb out and fix the broken work
16:56·carriage one of the men client Hepworth recalls his tightrope act high above the Golden Gate we got to be six and set it
17:07·on to the cables and slid out to clear up the cable and they were gonna bring
17:13·us back but they got it scared when we got out and we had to walk those cables
17:18·we walked from one cage the other and made mugs and I first to who that ever
17:23·crossed the Golden Gate as the bridge builders continued to fight the elements
17:28·and fate itself Bay Area residents watched in amazement as the bridge builders built the road in the sky
17:34·slowly the great steel arms inch closer together with man's first attempt to bridge a major harbour with the longest
17:41·single span in history the huge safety nets under the workmen
17:47·had already caught and saved 19 lives when tragedy finally struck one day a wooden platform collapsed and crashed
17:53·through the safety nets there were two men directly under me maybe 200 feet
18:01·from the tower it rolled those two men up like in a cocoon it hung there for
18:08·possibly a minute and then broke loose
18:13·and that's the last we saw those two fellows those were 2 of 10 bridge
18:22·builders who fell to the death on that tragic afternoon [Music]
18:34·but the bridge builders continue to fight the odds struggling on to finish the bridge that couldn't be built
18:47·[Applause] Strauss decided to give the bridge of distinctive color international RNG
·Strauss Bridge
18:53·called it and over 60,000 gallons were needed but his Bridgman water Cathy
18:58·recalls not all of the paint were on the bridge we had a man he had quite a
19:04·little time on his hands and he'd set snares and catch seagulls he'd paint the
19:12·tops of their heads red and then he'd turned them loose and one day we looked in the paper and there was quite an
19:18·article in there about the new species of seagulls at the redheads and I guess he'd painted half the seagull phones in
19:24·San Francisco and then in May of 1937
19:30·four and a half years after the start of construction Strauss completed his 400th bridge the
19:36·bridge builders had created a poem in Steel [Music]
20:37·[Music] [Applause]
22:22·area code nine one nine kilowatt North
22:28·Carolina summer resort deep-sea fishing area
22:33·waterfowl Haven and the Wright brothers Museum
22:39·before 1903 everybody said it couldn't be done man wasn't meant to fly but on
22:46·this tiny field for Ville and Wilbur Wright made the first airplane flights under perfect control and under their
22:53·own power [Music]
23:02·the longest flight that road linking California in the East Coast and the Panama Canal joining ocean to ocean
23:08·we're all considered in possibilities by many leading experts of their time man
23:16·kids get flown on Spears would think that we'll get a tree to get above
23:22·[Music] between 1817 and 1825 Irish immigrants
23:27·attracted by the wage of 80 cents a day use pick and shovel to create what was the longest man-made waterway in history
23:33·the Erie Canal they carved out a Canal 363 miles long over a trackless mosquito
23:40·infested wilderness working with primitive equipment and untested engineering ideas but the builders of
23:47·the Erie Canal created the impossible and joined the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean revolutionising Commerce
23:53·and trades throughout the northeastern United States
24:11·long before then the green dark forest moves to smile to be read out in
24:21·California citizens were laughing at a man a nickname crazy Judah Judah had the insane idea of building a railroad
24:27·through the gigantic Sierra Nevada in 1865 thousands of Chinese laborers
24:33·working with the Central Pacific began construction of theater judah's railroad over some of the most treacherous
24:38·mountains in the world with no heavy machinery or dynamite available at the time every foot was gained by pick and
24:44·shovel blasting was done first with black powder and later with nitroglycerin and the danger of
24:50·landslides was chronic nevertheless in 1869 the workers of the Central Pacific
24:56·and the Union Pacific met a promontory Utah and the United States was linked
25:01·from ocean to ocean another attempt to
25:07·link the Oh shows this one across the Isthmus of Panama had been started in the 1880s by the French engineer
25:13·Ferdinand de Lesseps the builder of the Suez Canal but after fifty thousand of
25:19·his Canal workers had died from the combined effects of malaria yellow fever in the extreme heat de Lesseps abandoned
25:25·the project but in 1903 the Americans
25:30·attacked the impossible man's centuries-old dream of joining the Atlantic in the Pacific and thus
25:36·eliminating the ten thousand mile voyage around the southern tip of South America general Glen Edgerton was there when I
25:44·arrived in the Canal Zone in nineteen eight malaria was rampant then every
25:51·employee was supposed to take three grains of Hainan a day as a per minute
25:56·if she got sick by of course they gave you much more they quickly put full force in the common labor was with West
26:03·India Ireland but for the British and the French they British workers were
26:10·very elderly but the fish workers were a
26:16·little further and fiercer they'd attack performing a case later statistics were overwhelming over 55,000 men struggling
26:24·in the hundred degree heat while medical officers attacked the problems of malaria yellow fever and engineers tried
26:30·to solve the infinite problems of construction it would eventually take 60
26:37·million tons of dynamite to remove 270 million cubic yards of Earth and rock sometimes at the cost of 10 million
26:44·dollars a mile the American medical team our oculus Li solved the problems of disease and the engineers and the work
26:51·has created the unbelievable locks the locks 1,000 feet long and 110 feet wide
26:56·are the largest in the world the impossible Panama Canal became a fact
27:03·former Canal Zone governor and congressman Maurice Thatcher age 99 recalls something as well said what the
27:13·restriction of the Panama Canal constituted evidence of the greatest
27:21·liberty that man was taking with nature [Music]
27:33·that could be worn for the attempted faith they want disease and 11 years
27:39·they joined the to prove the impossible is indeed on
·Dam Builders
28:11·they're just as many the most colorful groups of them all the dam builders
28:16·Americans have become the biggest builders of bands in the history of man since 1902 the Bureau of Reclamation has
28:23·constructed over 195 dams without a single failure but the life of the dam
28:31·builder is the most hazardous and non our construction accounting for more deaths than any other construction part
28:37·I scaler Joe kine worked on the most famous and controversial is amol Hoover
28:42·Dam one times while working here down here on the ropes one of my very close
28:47·buddies is working directly with me he is not slipped a little and of course when you're not slips in there's four or
28:53·five hundred feet below you to fall it gives you a rather a thrill and he grabbed the hold of his rope and held up
28:59·there and he put his hands up right quick and says hold on there buddy hold on he was talking to me not located on
29:05·the border of Arizona and Nevada Hoover Dam was born in controversy
29:15·[Music] engineers and geologists insisted that it would be impossible to build a wall across the treacherous Colorado River
29:22·they claimed that the first big flood would sweep the dam away and wipe out half of California in the process but
29:31·starting in 1930 barked by the dreams of Arthur Paul Davis the government started the pour of 7 million tons of concrete
29:38·the greatest weight that man has ever placed on earth [Music]
30:02·so that the concrete mass would knit together in one piece the pouring went on 24 hours a day 365 days a year
30:10·continuously for two years temperatures in the desert heat often reached well over a hundred degrees as recall by
30:17·Tommy Nelson well country does run a very high temperature and some of these peddlers are toppers back in the diversion
30:24·tunnels the temperature perhaps exceeded 135 degrees Fahrenheit Moore also
30:30·remembers the heat when you came home off the job you didn't have to worry
30:36·about hanging your clothes up they were sweat soaked and still was salty to stand up in the corner where you got up
30:42·to make the next shift like just step into them and readied will work even in
30:49·the depression days there were some compensations Anderson's mess all fed the man very very good for a dollar and
30:55·a half a day and it's surprising how much lunch some of those guys could get into one of these boxes they could cram
31:03·12 sandwiches and three or four oranges in two or three pieces of pie it just
31:10·made you wonder I'll be crammed at all in there despite unprecedented safety measures at
31:16·Hoover Dam danger and death haunted those trying to tame the Colorado the wild river having been shut off by the
31:22·huge dice rolls 50 feet above the heads of the workers and seed through rock tunnels on either side of them
31:28·eventually 98 men would lose during construction but after six long
31:39·years hoover dam was completed it had introduced an unprecedented stroke style
31:44·and technique to dam building it had created Lake Mead the largest man-made lake in the world
31:50·a scenic wonder and it was to irrigate the barren southwest and to like the homes of millions in Southern California
31:56·joke time recalls the final working days the hard work real hard was one man got
32:02·laid off and that beaten me as we was going home and as weasel on our way home up by the hairpin curve will be turned
32:08·around the man looks back at this dance and looked at the great achievement a man's ability there is he filament and
32:14·he just stopped when he looked at it and he said I hope at least [Music]
32:34·area code three one for st. Louis
32:39·Missouri on the banks of the Mississippi it's here on the way north from New Orleans that the Blues stayed for good
32:47·sports and breweries cereals and chemicals and the arch the Gateway part
33:01·even today when it's all finished you look at it and you say to yourself it couldn't be done but there it is a
33:08·gateway to the west
33:14·630 feet of stainless steel just standing there and you can even ride up
33:20·one side and down the other that's a trip you really ought to take I please phone ahead for your rooms before you
33:27·head to the arch the part can be mighty cold the dreamers of the impossible have
·Holland Tunnel
33:34·always confounded the experts in 1920 engineer Clifford Holland start a
33:40·construction of a tunnel between New York and New Jersey they're building of
33:46·the whole long term though the actual building of it Boston as much of a problem as finding a plan because that
33:54·was the first of no build tunnel and there were people that thought that that
34:01·was an impossibility to take so many automobiles through so long a tunnel
34:07·without the strip shaping people when Holland's chief designing engineering holy sings dad created a revolutionary
34:14·ventilation system for the Holland Tunnel and had the last laugh sure we have estimated that ultimately the
34:22·tunnel would carry 38,000 vehicles but it would take a number of years before
34:28·you to reach them but at Sunday midnight after the first 24 hours their traffic
34:37·count was 52 thousand acres and one of the new york daily papers reported fish
34:45·and it said the air in the tunnel was
34:51·better than on fifth avenue and then
34:56·there was the so-called impossible skyscraper the Empire State his creator said that they could fill it in less
35:03·than two years and then it would be able to withstand and even less than 14 months as to his endurance this was
35:10·tested in 1945 when a b25 ranked 50 miles an hour ripping out a large section of the 79th
35:17·floor but no major structural damage occurred but perhaps one of America's greatest
35:24·engineering achievements is the highway system of the United States often taken for granted by Americans and often
35:31·maligned for its effect on our natural environment the American highway network is nevertheless the engineering wonder
35:37·of the 20th century the most dramatic Road building story in our lifetime
35:43·happened just thirty years ago early in 1942 government contractors posted this
35:48·notice in employment offices throughout the United States and Canada this is no picnic working in living conditions on
35:55·this job or as difficult as any encountered on any construction job ever done in the United States or foreign
36:00·territory temperatures will range from 90 degrees above 0 to 70 degrees below zero mosquitoes flies mice will not only
36:07·be annoying but will cause bodily harm if you are not prepared to work under these conditions do not apply
36:14·[Music] with the start of World War two there
36:20·was an immediate strategic necessity to build an alaskan highway an oil pipeline to the Arctic Circle the road builders
36:26·had less than a year to complete the 1600 mile highway before the spring thaw of 1943 the builders had across the mass
36:34·of Canadian Rockies bridge countless streams and swamps and tear into hundreds of miles of bush
36:40·when temperatures hit 40 degrees below zero machinery broke down to add to the
36:45·difficulties the first thaw came before the job was completed sessions of the road were threatened by melting ice
36:51·bulldozers frequently sank in the ice or mud it seemed an impossible task but the
36:57·builders completed the road on schedule and now nearly three decades later
·Bridge of Peace
37:02·another Road builder desires to go one step further the alaska highway was
37:07·conceived in war this new road is conceived in peace dr. t wine Lynn of
37:13·the University of California recently made world headlines when he proposed a highway to connect the United States
37:19·with Russia it would be a highway bridge across the Bering Sea 50 miles long the
37:26·purpose is step to demonstrate to the world that it is quite possible to link the continents together bring the
37:32·country and the peoples together and this can be easily done by bridging
37:38·across the Bering Strait from Alaska to Siberia in a distance of 50 miles it's
37:46·not very deep at maximum depth of 180 feet if we can build a bridge across it
37:52·proved to the peoples of the world that we can work together and the whole world
37:58·is one dr. Lynn would like to finance this billion-dollar project by having every American in every Russian
38:03·contribute two dollars many experts say it can't be done but dr. Lynn has no
38:09·doubt that he will someday build his bridge of peace there is another symbol of international understanding the World
38:16·Trade Center in New York City it will become the world's tallest building rising over 1300 feet into the sky from
38:24·a helicopter we see the New York skyline that will appear from the top of the Trade Center even New York's tallest
38:30·building seem to shrink in comparison
38:35·a steelworker John McKeever looked at this United Nations of Commerce which he's helping to build that kangaroo up
38:41·is the one I'm working on right now and his job is over maybe 15 years from now
38:48·I'll bring my children back here my three sons and I'll show them what we built here that old building in the
38:54·world and throughout the United States stand other impressive landmarks of
·Other Impressive Landmarks
38:59·man's ingenuity [Music]
39:07·do some traveling way down
39:17·ha ha ha
39:23·[Music] get it on
39:30·I've been leading on pressure drill wait
40:25·that pilgrims be [Music]
41:03·I'm cooking in a Hanukkah Oh I've been leading on pressure field
41:12·I'm oh my [Music]
·Cog Railway
41:25·area code 603 not Washington New
41:30·Hampshire the highest mountain in the eastern part of the country and it's the
41:36·hub of the world's first cog railway
41:41·back in 1869 when the railway was first built a lot of folks said it couldn't be
41:47·done but it was [Music]
41:56·round trip up Mount Washington on the cog railway takes about two hours the incline gets as steep as 37 degrees
42:04·it's an exciting and beautiful trip lots to see and enjoy you ought to try and
42:13·when you do keep in touch with home by phone
·The Future
42:22·and what about the future what's seemingly impossible drains the
42:27·designers and engineers share for the decades ahead powerful laser beam
42:35·capable of drilling holes and diamonds and welding metals are just one revolutionary tool for the future
42:40·working math helicopters will be adapted for even more extensive use in construction nucular excavation of
42:47·mountains and oceans will create everything from new canals linking in the Atlantic in the Pacific to harbours
42:53·in Alaska to new roads and rail passages through mountain ranges to new methods
43:01·of recovery of natural resources many designers are testing the feasibility of
43:07·living in caves with all the modern conveniences while others are creating
43:12·homes of new plastics which can float on water the city of Baltimore is testing the
43:18·feasibility of floating an entire community of five thousand in the same way that the Astrodome covers the
43:24·Houston Stadium designers are now planning to put entire cities under glass with perfect environmental control
43:30·year-round prefabricated housing on a massive scale
43:36·is being tested for possible elimination of swamped and methods of pollution abatement through engineering are being
43:42·designed by dreamers of the future they told the Wright brothers that a heavier than air machine couldn't be built
43:49·they told for that the mass-produced automobile would never work and they told professor Robert Goddard in the
43:55·1920s that he'd never see Rockets get off the ground and today some of the experts disagree with Arthur Clarke's
44:01·contention that the next revolution in transportation will be what is called the ground effect machine a vehicle that
44:08·floats on air and can go anywhere in the world over land or water and Buckminster
44:14·Fuller predicts that we'll all put jet wings on our backs and fly out the window on frequency billions you're
·Ground Effect Machine
44:19·going to see that outer space industry can driven into the development how that
44:24·renting service industry where you see a whole cities being delivered by air and in one day just to see a whole freedom
44:32·ships of the sea coming into a harbor in the day coming in from the air is even
44:37·easier as we really apply a highest capability you see them buildings a
44:43·sized Empire State can be built horizontally in the aircraft plan I was there environment of their environmental
44:50·control be produced in a controlled environment and the most extraordinary advanced tooling had no human man hands
44:57·factory touch a thing everything automated machine is very rapid assemblies of these environment controls
45:03·and then they will be brittle lifters that come out of it out of their hangar factory and then they when they get to
45:10·the site they will be made the tent from the horizontal which is the easy way to move through the air into the vertical
45:16·so this is this is what you understand you see this with him ten years from today and as the Clarkes and the
45:22·Fuller's and other world planners and designers contemplate the year 2000 when
45:27·100 million more Americans will join the present 210 million population their
45:33·dreams turn to the great oceans where 7/10 of the world exists
45:38·some designers have speculated that we will have floating cities of 50,000 people or more by the 21st century
45:44·actually we have learned in the next year decades how to divert hurricanes and typhoons and these floating cities
45:50·will be able to move about and take advantage of the best climates available around the world
45:55·John Lindbergh son of another man who did what the experts said couldn't be done is one of the foremost pioneers in
46:02·underwater exploration he and an associate spent forty nine hours living
46:07·in a 4x8 rubber tent at a depth of four hundred and thirty two feet in the Bahamas wildly died have we made in the
·John Lindbergh
46:15·Bahamas helped to establish that is possible for men to work at depths in
46:21·excess of 400 feet and since then we know that he can work at depths at a thousand feet and more in the years
46:28·ahead is going to be increasingly important that we learn how to utilize the resources of the sea in depths
46:33·beyond that which man can dive beyond which he can exist if the pressures
46:39·involved I think we can look forward to deep-sea oil exploration deep sea
46:44·mineral exploitation the development of biological resources that we can do all
46:51·of these without damaging the ecology but I think we will have to consider the ecology with every move that we make
46:57·often in the past we have not done so and as the dreamers try to find
47:03·solutions on land and on ocean floors man continues his quest of the universe of the moon of Mars of the solar system
47:11·itself in a never-ending quest to do the impossible vision in every weekend you can
·Coast to Coast
47:17·telephone to coast for as little as seventy cents it all began in Boston 1876 with
47:24·Alexander Graham Bell first telephone the first switchboards the first
47:29·operators soon telephone lines to New York to Chicago
47:37·in Westwood
47:42·and from San Francisco East lines from East and West meet in Utah the year 1915
47:51·the minimum rate on a call from New York to San Francisco in 1915 four dollars
47:57·and seventy cents years past phone
48:05·service expands and long-distance rates drop dramatically the minimum rate for a
48:11·coast-to-coast call by 1920 was $8.25 1927 five dollars and fifty cents 1943
48:24·dollars [Music]
48:33·by 1963 $1.00 of toys tax now in 1970
48:38·the minimum is 70 cents plus tax coast to coast all calls you die
48:44·yourself and weekends 70 cents for a 3-minute call from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
48:49·Saturday and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday in
48:55·1915 $20 be 70 cents in 1970 70 cents
49:03·plus tax they said it couldn't be done
49:10·but it was now these great stories of
49:15·American engineering and not all glamorous chapters created by superheroes these builders were men not
49:21·Saints and many of the workers especially in the 19th century we're often grossly abused overworked
49:28·and underpaid but under good conditions and bad these workers and the designers
49:34·and the engineers who did their dreaming we're certainly builders of the impossible astronauts report it feels
49:41·good ignition sequence three astronaut
49:56·Neil Armstrong when he returned from America's greatest engineering achievement stated I felt a successful
50:02·lunar landing might inspire a man around the world to believe that impossible goals are possible that there really is
50:10·hope for solutions to humanity's problems and the religious philosopher
50:15·TR de chardin has predicted someday after mastering the winds the waves the
50:21·tides we shall harness for God the energies of love and then for a second
50:28·time in the history of the world man will have discovered fire
50:35·it would seem that if American know-how running talent perseverance and just
50:41·plain guts could build this town this roadway this canal this bridge in
50:48·certainly this know-how should be able to come up with imaginative answers the pessimists are saying that we can't
50:54·solve our problems just as the pessimist told the Strauss's and the board lines and it couldn't be done but perhaps we
51:02·have in our mist today visionaries who will be able to do with communication but builders have done in engineering to
51:08·solve the impossible perhaps we can start building new bridges between each
51:13·other [Music]
51:24·[Music] the name
51:34·my [Music]
51:52·[Applause] [Music]
52:08·[Applause] [Music]
52:32·bacon [Music]
53:30·[Applause] [Music]
53:35·we are [Music]
53:52·Oh [Music] [Applause]

8 posted on 05/01/2024 6:07:44 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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Better quality:

9 posted on 05/01/2024 7:16:03 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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