Is she a jihadi or just a run of the mill leftist?
The real “unmasking” we need is the unmasking of who - individuals and organizations/donors really behind organizing the “protests”. To me most of the “activists” we see in the “protests” are just bit players and we do not see the real orginzers behind it all. I imagine most of the real culprits are not even present in the “protests”.
LET'S GET THE TRUTH OUT THERE!! Historical and biblical truth - The “Palestinian refugees” are neither Palestinian nor refugees.
Here are the facts!
The people protesting Israel and are the same ones clamoring for LTBTQexpialidocius rights not understanding that in Iran or Gaza the treatment of choice is flogging followed by being thrown off a tall building. The “me too” women don’t realize that in those societies, women are chattel owned by their husbands with few rights.
anyone who supports the Fakestinians is either paid off to do it, or else crazy as a loon and in need of serious mental health care
besides, Patel as a name is usually associated with an upper-class group of folks from India. Not your usual background for pro-Muslim terroristas since it is Muslim terrorists who routinely attack Indians and Hindus.
kern county whick bakersfield is the county seat, is very red
they dont take things lightly..