The ruling was more than that. It held that no gov’mt body, including bureaucrats, can implement such a taking. Lots of states are letting admin bodies do eminent domain crappola and then turn around and sell seized property to real estate developers — just so the state can get more tax $$ from the developed property.
This ruling applies to all fines, fees, etc. Everything now has to be justifiable as directly related to the ......”goal” of the govm’t action. Even if a state passes a law making it legal to do this sort of thing, they can be sued.
This ruling means that when property is involved every gov’mt action is subject to being sued. Just imagine the class action suits on a water district implementing another $5 fee on whatever.
All the states need to do is say they thought illegal drugs were involved, and they can acquire and sell off, for free.
No court date is ever necessary.