What BS! The Iranians did everything they set out to do. After giving Israel, France, Britain and the U.S. three days notice they launched. Throwaway drones and missiles to identify radars and launching sites, at the expense of perhaps $2B in allied air defense assets. Then Iran put seven, probably hypersonics, down the pipe of the “best” most dense and redundant air defense areas in the world at those two bases and the intel site. All seven landed exactly as planned.
This was the limited strike Iran negotiated with the U.S. to do. The Iranians used a minuscule number of their arsenal of drones and missiles. The Iranians can multiple this by ten of non throwaways and do it every day for as long as it takes. Ask Z about the bottomless supply of Western air defense missiles. There will be no notice for the next retaliation. The West has zero defense for the hypersonics of Iran and its suppliers, Russia, China and most likely the NORKS.
We’ve listened to the same Western bravado disinfo for two years in Ukraine and see where it got Ukraine. Some people never pay attention. With any luck the Israeli military overrules ANOTHER cataclysmic CF by Bibi.
“This was the limited strike Iran negotiated with the U.S. to do.”
You’re insane.
And no, Iran doesn't have hypersonic missiles yet and hopefully, won't have a nuclear program soon.
Apparently, you're another Russian cheerleader - as if we don't have enough already on the FreeRepublic.
That the Regime was in cohuts with Iran, I absolutly belivers.
You are exactly correct in your assessment of the Iran strike. The fact that few here seem to believe you just shows you how ill informed many on this forum are.