After the bridge “collapsed” as a ship was passing under it according to the fake news “media”, some Messican ambassador was whining that it was HIS PEOPLE who died. Then the burrito had the nerve to say, “That’s why “latinos” will rebuild it. A few days later I read an article in which the reporter was interviewing some Mexican construction guys. It was unanimous, “We AREN’T going to build it because it’s too dangerous”. I love it.
“After the bridge “collapsed” as a ship was passing under it according to the fake news “media”, some Messican ambassador was whining that it was HIS PEOPLE who died. Then the burrito had the nerve to say, “That’s why “latinos” will rebuild it. A few days later I read an article in which the reporter was interviewing some Mexican construction guys. It was unanimous, “We AREN’T going to build it because it’s too dangerous”. I love it.”
And that right there pretty much sums up “American exceptionalism”. It took mostly whitey Europeans with strong work ethics and a fearless, courageous character ... that cared enough to risk danger, work harder and struggle longer in order to build a better place than what they came from... ie to make America what it is today.
Most (not all) of these idiots coming here intend to suck off of the US taxpayer teat and couldn’t care less about making this nation better than where they’re from. They’re parasites. Parasites replacing the host, in fact. It’s never gonna work towards anything but killing the host. But then, since when has the Marxist left (commies) ever had the intelligence enough to figure out that obvious end result... much less to care about it. Look at the dismal history of communism and the lives of the people they’ve enslaved.
And then there are the ones ‘within’ that hate America and are deliberately working and seeking to destroy us with the help of all these “newcomer” parasites. There needs to be an IRL reckoning. Normally I would say there will be... but these days I have my doubts.