It would seem America has already lost the first two, and DC is working night and day to do away with the third...
The Money Quote.
People need to meditate on and grok this.
If the Marxists in the US are successful, then the whole planet Earth, and as far as we know, the whole known universe, will be communist. And probably forever.
But people have access to the Internet, and before that to books, newspapers, and magazines.
This lady's story shouldn't be anything new to anyone.
Anyone who is sentient and who reads and who has traveled outside of the US, even to France or Mexico or the UK, knows how poor and primitive the rest of the world is, with its squalor and squatty holes and trash everywhere, and boatloads of passive, hopeless people.
Everyone should already be aware of what the world is like. Just watch TV or You Tube if you can't afford to travel. Inform yourselves people.