“There are two liquids that are especially agreeable to the human body, wine inside and olive oil outside” - Pliny the Elder, c. 77 A.D.
I have no doubt that the Mediterranean Diet has been very beneficial to many people. The problem of course is that there are many variations in what can be called a "low fat diet". Most studies designed to prove the effectiveness of the Mediterranean Diet are effectively setting up what amounts to be a strawman argument.
More food fads? Sixty five years ago added Gluten was the fad for breads. Now it is bad. Then there was eating the inside of the orange peel, then Acidophilus milk.
All gone as new fads take their place.
For example, foods that are cooked at high temperatures for short periods of time “contain a higher amount of these harmful substances”
So...no thick steak briefly grilled at high temps? Goodbye, carnivore/keto diets.