I would not describe it as “common” though I agree he overhyped it. He also seemed amazed that food in poor countries is cheaper than in the US. He should ask the cashiers how long they work per day and what their salaries are before spending too much time talking about affordability.
Common practice in the UK maybe, but not in the US.
No that’s not true.
The market does not work that way.
It’s not based on people’s salaries.
The price of gold is not cheaper in poorer countries. It stays the same.
What you clearly missed is the depreciation of the dollar and global trade.
“He should ask the cashiers how long they work per day and what their salaries are before spending too much time talking about affordability.”
But those two factors don’t affect the cost of food.
It is the same here, those factors don’t control the price of food; food monopolies do.
I agree. Not common. The only place i've been to that does it is Aldi's. His reaction was kind of weird about it.