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To: dangus

Not a completely accurate portrayal of the situation. Apparently, this involves a gender-confused child who was having suicidal ideation. The child was placed in the hospital, and they looked for an in-patient psychiatric facility for the child. The parents were in agreement with this course of action up to this point. There were no beds available at any facility in Montana, but one was available in Wyoming. The parents refused to take the child there because Wyoming does not have laws preventing “transitioning” minors. However, because the child had already been diagnosed as suicidal and in need of in-patient care, the parent’s refusal to provide for that care caused the state to step in. The child was not taken in order to facilitate a sex change, but to provide psychiatric care for suicidal ideation. The facility in Wyoming was not chosen to provide “gender-affirming” care, but because that was the closest psychiatric facility with a bed available.

Since the child is now in the custody of the state of Montana, they have control over the course of care. Since Montana has laws against transitioning minors, they should not allow the hospital in Wyoming to take any steps in that direction. If they DO allow that, THEN the anger people are expressing would be justified.

13 posted on 02/04/2024 8:05:24 AM PST by CA Conservative (Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I am free at last)
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To: CA Conservative

Damn, you will shovel any horse crap for your masters, won’t you? You directly contradict the leftstream news coverage on numerous points to justify the RINO’s extreme-left social agenda. If you have any basis for thinking the media is making up crap because it’s so damned right wing, tell your sources. Otherwise, enjoy your soap-fetching.

14 posted on 02/04/2024 5:49:17 PM PST by dangus
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