>> Venus has been used as an ugly poster child to illustrate the threat of “climate change”.
This article, however, blames the intensifying Sun
I found the very mention of "climate change" and the phrase "Why Venus Died" to be annoying references to propaganda articles I have seen elsewhere. I am a bit twitchy on that subject.
Venus did not die because it never lived. And there is no evidence as yet that the climate has ever changed there since the original condensation of the atmosphere, except for the extensive record of volcanic eruptions. It is possible, but we have no observations to make the conjectures described in the article.
Earth has experienced several Ice Ages since mankind existed on the planet, and we are at the tail end of one right now. There is geologic evidence that Earth was a frozen ice ball right down to the equator about one billion years ago. Earth was quite a bit warmer about 250 million years ago than it is now.
Mars was once quite a bit warmer and had shallow seas with an Earth-like atmospheric pressure. Something blew all of that away in the distant past.
Did something happen to Venus? Maybe.
There is an awful lot we do not know. It needs some more poking around.