Just to be clear, I think Millei’s speech is great, but the point here is that the so-called socialsists hate the fascists for reasons I don’t understand because they are kissing cousins of each other. But when you have crony capitalism on top of socialist redistribution you have National Socialism, e.g. Nazism. And the German Nazis’ methods are becoming less and less distinguishable from the methods of the global left run by a convocation of business and government leaders in Davos, which, again looks like fascism to me.
Mussolini, the original fascist, was a member of Italy's socialist party and editor of their newspaper. He disagreed with the party about their policy on World War I: the socialists wanted Italy to stay out of the capitalists war while Mussolini saw it as a chance to grab some culturally Italian regions of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He didn't really change his economics beliefs, so his Fascist party was socialism plus military aggression.