Bummer. From the title I thought a heckler was asking her about the dream interpretation for the chief butler.
‘Do You Know The Three Branches Yet?’Bummer. From the title I thought a heckler was asking her about the dream interpretation for the chief butler.
And then after that, this appeared. Not like it's the time for the parsha:
The Sages made a remarkable claim regarding dreams and their interpretation: "Dreams are fulfilled according to the interpretation" [Berachot 55b]. The interpreter has a key function in the realization of a dream. His analysis can determine how the dream will come to pass!The Talmud substantiated this statement with the words of the chief wine-butler: "Just as he interpreted, so (my dream) came to be" [Gen. 41:13].
Do dreams foretell the future? Does the interpreter really have the power to determine the meaning of a dream, and alter the future accordingly?
No need to be disappointed then. Best to keep ahead.
The backdrop in the photo of AOC is the doubled "Green New Deal"/"Green Deal" message.
Well all right: