Breathtakingly, stupidly wrong. The revolution began in 1775 at Lexington.
Actually in Newcastle NH, Fort William and Mary, Dec 1774... NH just didn’t have a good poet to highlight the event years later..
On Saturday C-SPAN re-ran a program from Dec.16, 2002, about the Boston Tea Party, held in the building where the patriots met before the "party" with actors in period costume. There was someone representing Phyllis Wheatley and someone representing a black freedman who was involved. I think it wasn't until the 6th or 7th speaker they had a white man speak, so it seemed to be more about women's rights and slavery than the actual events of Dec. 16,1773.
Weirdly enough, John Adams, a Founding Father, whom assisted Thomas Jefferson in drafting the Declaration of Independence, and second POTUS disagrees with you.
In a letter to Hezekiah Niles, he wrote: But what do We mean by the American Revolution? Do We mean the American War? The Revolution was effected before the War commenced.
In the letter, he explained that This radical Change in the Principles, Opinions Sentiments and Affection of the People, was the real American Revolution.
He also highlights of the Revolution This produced, in 1760 and 1761, An Awakening and a Revival of American Principles and Feelings, with an Enthusiasm which went on increasing till in 1775 it burst out in open Violence, Hostility and Fury.
Throughout the letter, he highlights many instances well before 1775 that were part of the Revolution. Several key events Adams highlighted start in 1760 [like the Washington Examiner article], with some references to just prior, in 1758.
But, I'm sure you know more than someone whom was there and participated in it, and then wrote of his experiences first hand.