I do in fact. I am a family law lawyer and I have about had it with drugged out parents and drugged out grandparents and people who want custody sitting in my office demanding to know why they can’t smoke weed in a custody case. Clients calling to say their husband lost their commercial license because he was taking CBD over the counter for back pain. Drugs are drugs and the marijuana cartels and big pharma have convinced this population all is solved by a substance. It’s a slippery slope folks.
Based on that reply I’d be looking for another lawyer.
CBD is not a drug. And parents shouldn’t smoke weed around children that’s for sure. There is no drug cartel making CBD out of hemp, it doesn’t even have THC, it doesn’t get you high. Oh, and the trucking company are idiots, trucking is one of the worst professions to get a bad back.
I agree to a degree. cbd oil has a use, tHC has a legit use, ketamine has a legit use to treat ptsd.
its the use of these products by tooo many people< , far, far too often, that leads to these drugs being put into a bad light.
CBD has medical uses. It does not get you high and the people you say are smoking weed are taking THC as there are few commercial strains of CBD flower that are 100% free of THC and your clients are lying to you saying they are smoking “weed” for CBD.