Look ,squirrel!
Bush’s whereabouts are irrelevant : but did he plan/suspect/benefit from either incident.
Two things tend to rise to the top:scum and cream. Too many piliticians are portrayed as cream when they are really scum.
Bushes destabilized the Mideast as did Carter. And the Bushes and their friends stood to make billion$ fromhigher oil prices and supplying the military.
“”””Bush’s whereabouts are irrelevant”””””
Not according to this thread, it is a big part of the nutty conspiracy.
Read the thread, lying about his saying he didn’t know where he was is a huge part of the fantasy and it is also very revealing of the quality of people who cling to these fantasies.
And then the Globalist Bushes threw their lot in with Obama.
Together, they all hated President Donald Trump.