Pot is a societal poison. Unless, of course, one thinks the apex of society is a generation living on government handouts, consuming legal drugs, living in mom and dad’s basement, lost in the virtual “reality” of computer games and social media.
“Pot is a societal poison”
Of course it is.
Changed many yoots for the worse. Think of those who accelerated their dying by trying to achieve a greater high...
For what it’s worth, the pot smoking, peace-loving Vietnam protestors are now the decision makers in Washington who made this menagerie possible.
I pray that one day the adults will come home and run the show again.
Yes. Absolutely. It’s like everyone is not growing up, not becoming true adults shouldering the responsibilties of family and in their own little worlds, taken care of provided by the government, I don’t necessarily mean welfare or something but policies that are allowing for all this. Easy to control you when you are not seeing what is around you.