He's an environmental lawyer. Green weenies will love him. They got big organization and is more likable than Ralph Nader. The rats will have to do something right? No telling. Something big next year. Where's the SS protection?
Now the only thing left for RFK Jr. is to change his party affiliation for his 10/9 announcement.
I avoided the WSJ paywall by going through Realclearpolitics.com.
Gonna be awesome. Oh what a country!
I would like to see Cornell West debate Colonel West.
I really like Professor West but, I could never consider voting for him due to his stance on Israel and other matters.
I would love to see President Trump tell the uni-party to go to hell and team up with RFK Jr.
thanks for heads up as to the paywall, Cornel will go the way of Marianne Williamson
well, with Kornell West in the game we might as well kiss President Trump’s chances of regaining the oval orifice slim to none.
Imagine, Kornell West!!!
Cornell West couldn’t get elected even if no one else was running!
He’s not gonna get many votes.
He is foregoing a run as a Green. He won’t have that organization.
He’s all that and sadly a high school classmate of mine.
Cornhell West wants to replace Cornhole Biden?
Y’all know any freepers that will vote for cornel west?
Me Neither...
He’s going to draw votes off of briben and or democrats.
If he gets on the ballot and enough of the Leftist voters who love him are dumb enough to vote for him, he’ll just take votes from the official Dim nominee,whoever that may be.
I’m gonna work to get Mr. West on the general election ballot in the state of Alabama. He’ll take votes away from Biden.
That's too bad. He may not even get on the ballot in many states.
Republicans should make sure they sign his ballot petitions in Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, and Pennsylvania - at the very least, make sure he is on those ballots. Secondary effort once those are secured - get him on the ballots in New Hampshire, Maine, Virginia, Minnesota, Nevada, and New Mexico.