“Back in that era, it was commonly believed that “the best” human beings (white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants) were not having as many children as “inferior ones,”
I don’t know about “the best” anymore, but it does say “back in that era”, this is a bone I toss out to all the knee jerk whites who fear the word “racism”
That being said, for the most part that statement is true for those who have the courage to observe the environment around them.
However, the genocide is shifting to white America. It will take a generation or two, but whites were the ones who ran as fast as they could to the covid bioweapon vaxx. You will see white births decline and coupled with minority on white violence that is excused, we will be nothing but an oddity.
Got my plate armor on, let the arrows fly.
the human race will continue with all of its ethnicities—white not being one of them... white is not a race, black is not a race, we are but one race with many different colors.
elites are set to cull many in our herd.
government will be the cause of many a death as it has been in the past. i guess it is our turn... the americans