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To: Disestablishmentarian

Getting the krap scared out of ones self repeatedly has to have lasting effects. Can’t be any serious argument about that. It has bit my butt for a couple decades that our military allows guys to re-up for 2nd and 3rd tours right back into combat zones with no breaks between. Going back to WW II times, units fought battles, sometimes for weeks or months, but then the whole unit took some down time in a rear area to clean up, re-group, re- man, sometimes re-train. But even the V-5 guys knew there would be an end. This bizness of working guys in high tension zones until they break, quit, zone out is a wrong way to do the job. Veetnam got some of it started but Bush43 really abused the trooper pool.

1,645 posted on 09/15/2023 1:19:25 PM PDT by OldWarBaby
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To: infool7; redryder_90; CPT Clay; GYPSY286; Squidpup; AFB-XYZ; The Klingon; meyer; Gritty; ...

Pinging my general list; freepmail to get on/off. Burning Brights’ articles are always long and this one takes the cake for lenth; I have excerpted the best I can, click link for the whole nine yards.

Ghosts, Ghouls and Nazis
The Turn on Ukraine and the UnReality Paradox

Burning Bright

It’s easy to forget that, for most of us in this awakening, questioning community, the very concept of Information Warfare, PsyOps and Fifth-Generation Tactics—concepts we discuss with frequency and increasing mastery as we continue to forge this decentralized collective into the most powerful intel apparatus in history—is still new to most.

And yet, the very fact that we are aware that these tactics—these campaigns launched by the largest and most complex criminal empire ever codified—have been and are being deployed both against and for the peoples of the world puts us in rarified air compared to our sleeping brothers and sisters, who believe that they CAN believe not only what they see, but even what they’re told about the world around them, and even of the world as it’s described to them in the mires of the Donbas half a world away.


And so, we are aware that we are in a war, and not just one for the Collective Mind of American—and world—society, but also for its mandate, its sovereign will and the will of all free and would-be free souls. We are in THE war that puts all other wars to shame, not because it is grander or more violent, deadlier or more dramatic, but rather because it is the war of all wars, the war all wars have been leading to and have been a part of.

Because it is the war for peace.


In short, Overton’s Goalpost was and is an attempt to map the once-subtle, but increasingly direct Narrative Convergences of the enemy’s interlocking—and now competing—stories en route to a Crisis Cascade of Narrative Whiplashes, each of which play a pivotal role in shattering Micro (individual) paradigms by knocking down cognitive dissonance walls so that we might etch splintered lines into the Macro—the illusory paradigm or, as Chris Paul calls it, the False Reality.


Instead of focusing in on the Cypher pattern (Deny > Diminish > Qualify > Distract > Admit,) zooming out by focusing on the confluence of all of the above allows us to see just how big a Prussian Pickle the powers that would be seem to have got themselves tangled up in in full view of the Collective Mind not just of the American people, but of the slow-waking world as well.

And what sort of confluence and convergence have we seen in the lands once called Prussia of late?

From the much-promoted and now much-maligned, ‘failed’ counter-offensive in the Donbas to the ghosts of the Baltic ballet that has been the Narrative War surrounding Nord Stream 2, the curious case of the Kahkovka Dam to the twin strikes on the Crimean Bridge, and now, to the vast mystery of the ‘vanishing billions’ in western ‘aid’ from Ukrainian coffers—or did it ever arrive?—and the arrest of the very oligarch who installed the Prussian Prince himself into his false throne, the Gordian knot that is the story of Ukraine is threatening to unveil a keystone of truth that could start the whole Forever War paradigm crashing down onto its splintered pillars.

And before the Media Industrial Complex in the western hegemony began inching their way into a slow, pregnant and too-late turn on their prized proxy, they first attempted to draw a line of demarcation between the escalation of that hegemony—of that grand, corrupt collective—and the Russian Federation and the rising Sovereign powers in the reforged global south and east by highlighting the renewed and ratcheting strikes—from the kinetic to the psychological—of the ‘innocent’ unto the tyrannical … or was it the other way around?

Recently, publications from the Washington Post to the Economist have got in on the action, promoting—and what a strange word for it—the Ukrainian drone strikes on the Russian Federation and not only seemingly celebrating such wonton death and destruction they ostensibly stood opposed to just one year ago, but adding in some rare Fifth-Generation Warfare terminology by acknowledging that Ukraine herself is waging psychological warfare on the people of Russia, and by extension, the peoples of the world.

While these sorts of deployments may seem negative or Hegelian at first glance—the enemy coding the deployment of PsyOps into the Collective Mind as a ‘good’ thing—it still represents Narrative retreat on the psychological battlefield, as the enemy has now been forced into the definition of core tenets of their Hegelian strategies they would otherwise have liked to avoid, even if the framing still leaves much to be desired in relation to the foundational truths at the heart of the conflict in and around the Donbas—one between the rising sovereign powers in the east and the demonic and hegemonic of the Globalist west.


Similarly, the German publication Spiegel recently ran an in-depth piece concerning the ‘truth’ of the Nord Stream 2 sabotage as they would like their readers to absorb it, and the story—no matter which side of Reality it falls on—also represents Narrative retreat in its direct framing of Ukraine—the Proxy for NATO itself—as the prime culprit behind the most escalatory deployment to this point in what we are told could be the precursor to World War 3.


To wit, while it’s still very likely a lie that Ukrainian operators planned and carried out such an intricate and False Flagian attack on German energy infrastructure without the direct knowledge and coordination of the German government and the clandestine arm of the US Deep State (ie: the CIA,) the only choice these Ghouls had to them over the course of the last few weeks has been to distance the core pillars of their System of Systems from the proxy state that could and IS exposing it all.


On our side, we might see patterns of convergence between Donald Trump, Elon Musk and RFK Jr. as they divide and conquer in the (totally not) coordinated exposure of the Media Industrial Complex and weaponized DOJ. But on the enemy side of the board, we see an inverse convergence taking place, as their own retreat and admissions shed light onto core truths of the mechanisms and structure of the System of Systems they wish to remain buried.


No matter which way the Western Media Industrial Complex attempts to frame the Nord Stream 2 Op and any of those that have spun out from it, they’re being forced to choose between the exposure of their own clandestine enforcement arms, Military Industrial Complexes and the most valuable—and by extension—damning Proxy State on the game board … the one they could NEVER afford to lose, and the one Vladimir Putin is ripping from their grasp and holding aloft for the world to see, no matter what they think of him and his reforged and reformed Orthodox Christian Empire.

Herein, we might see why some of us weren’t just okay with the early framing of Ukraine as the Luke Skywalker in comparison to Putin’s Darth Vader due to our ability to peer through the utter absurdity of the lie on display, but rather due to our faith—logic-bound and codified—that the more dramatic and false the Narrative Deployment, the more psychologically violent, and thus, cathartic and freeing, the Narrative Whiplash to come, and we’re only at the beginning stages of that whiplash, which doesn’t just expose Ukraine, but the underlying structure of the System that gave birth to it in the first place, the system all sovereigns MUST recognize in order to guide our world into a more sovereign future.

And of course, ALL of this escalation and exposure is occurring while Donald Trump, the only world leader calling for peace on behalf of the global west is hunted by the very apparatus he so recently led.


A popular refrain in the infamous Q drops asks, “Who knows where the bodies are buried?”

A good number of patriots in the know likely do. But you know who the enemy KNOWS has the full picture? Their own members. Their own scions. Most of all, their own puppets and proxies. Puppets whose strings have been cut, or else tied to the fingers of new puppeteers whose aims we might better align with.

After all, we’ve been told we’re going to like how this movie ends, we’ve been told there will come a time when we’ve grown tired, exhausted by winning … and not by a figure known for lying.


There’s an obsession in segments of the Truth Community when it comes to assigning colored hats to public figures, especially ‘world leaders,’ and we’ve all been guilty of it.

That said, it’s important to engage with the idea that ‘bad’ actors (literally) can be forwarding patriot objectives through a mix of direct leverage and Game Theory.

Strings can be cut, and new strings can be tied.

Leverage goes both ways, which means control goes both ways.

When it comes to Zelensky, I’m not the only one in my circles that has posited that the Ukrainian Proxy President has been working on behalf of or directly for Sovereign Alliance patriots for some time, stretching all the way back to the beginning of Russia’s Special MIL operation in the ‘nation’ that is a country in name only, but which has actually acted as a den of Deep State money laundering and influence peddling.

That seems absurd to many Truthers on its face; after all, hasn’t Zelensky presided over what looks to be a globalist laundering scheme and led his people further into war against a federation they can’t hope to beat in the field, while escalating rhetoric re: NATO, the EU and the US while ratcheting WW3 tensions?

Yes. Which might be quite by design.

After all, I believe this ‘movie’ ends with the story of the Peacemakers, primarily Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, with Xi Jinping playing a role. I have argued before that the leaders of the Sovereign Alliance (both public and operating in the shadows,) have been guiding the world through a narrative war for peace ... the War of Stories refrain I spend most of my time writing about.

Well, in order to get the public mandate for the Peacemakers, you first need the threat of war, and while the Deep State wanted a kinetic version of WW3 to kick off, and likely hoped to use Proxy Presidents like Zelensky and, before him, Kim Jong Un to forward these Actuals, we believe strings were cut with the latter, so why is it so hard to believe they might have been for the former?

As for the ‘Actuals’ we have to map onto this reading of Zelensky not as a ‘white hat,’ but rather as an actor on the world stage caught between the weakening collectivists who installed him and the growing, and increasingly-revealed sovereign powers rising in both the east and west:

Zelensky is a literal actor, made famous and funded by the very Deep State Oligarch his own DOJ arrested over the weekend in Ihor Kolomoyskyi. The first point implies that he was installed for optics, while the second point underlies the apparent reality that he’s no longer marching to the beat of the same drum he was.

Zelensky has access to more blackmail/leverage material on the Biden Crime Family via Burisma (also connected to the corrupt keystone that is Kolomoyskyi,) than any leader in the world; MAGA has long argued this, but I believe this leverage is being used for us rather than for [them.]

Donald Trump routinely points to his ‘perfect phone call’ with Zelensky directly relating to the above. Did Trump offer Zelensky a deal? Did Zelensky accept?

When Putin first announced the Special MIL Operation, he claimed Russia’s goal was to ‘deNazify’ Ukraine. Ostensibly, Zelensky has been standing in the way of that ... or has he? Instead of committing national troops, the Azov battalion (ALSO funded/formed by Kolomoyskyi,) has seen the bulk of action on the Ukraine side, with Wagner seeing it on the Russia side. The Net Effects of this strategy has seen the devastation of the Azov/Nazi battalion, and thus, there are fewer Nazis today than when the ‘war’ began.

Zelensky has not only exposed NATO encroachment and corruption, and exposed the concept of proxy states and proxy wars to western sleepers, but he has shone a spotlight on each by his increasingly-dramatic, increasingly-memetic ‘stunts’ in public meets with his would-be puppeteers.

As the reporting of Seymour Hersh has demonstrated, clandestine operations have been ramping up since fall 2022, from Nord Stream 2 to the Crimean Bridge, each of which has threads leading back to the CIA, with Ukraine proxies on the ground. Is all of this ‘intel’ coming from US contacts ... or is the CIA’s cover being blown from inside of the Prussian machine?

The concept of an anti-corruption purge in and of itself is synonymous in recent years with similar purges conducted in China, Russia and Saudi Arabia, each of which I believe play a pivotal role in the emerging Sovereign Alliance. Isn’t it interesting that Zelensky’s own campaign is beginning to show teeth, and toward known Deep State figures?

In the end, it matters less what color hat Zelensky has on at any given time in the public narrative, and much more what the Net Effects of his political, narrative and legal deployments are.

If you believe he’s been a Net Positive for [them,] then you haven’t been paying attention.

Hell, they’re about to start telling you as much themselves.

They already have, from vanishing billions to vanishing favors, ‘the turn’ on the Prussian Proxy has only just begun, and as usual, the Deep State’s Media Complex is on the backfoot, and behind the 8-ball.

Why, then is the Deep State so concerned with this pattern of Narrative retreat?

Is it simply because their Proxy State is being exposed? Can they not simply spin up another in a long line of false keystones of corrupt power projection?

Perhaps … and yet, the very thing they have accused the Russian Federation of approximating appears to be synonymous with the very truth of the factions they have funded, trained and defended in full view of the western public for close to a decade.

Why so serious?

Because as this pattern of Narrative retreat accelerates, and as Russia’s initial claims are proven apt one after another in the Info War, the story turns back around to that prime Ghoul in the Collective Mind stretching back to the last World War; the prime evil, as far as many are concerned.

Ukraine may be the keystone to the System of Systems on a functional level, but it’s also the keystone on a far more foundational and psychological level, as the time is rapidly approaching when Ukraine and its defenders and enablers will not simply be known as corrupt, but evil.

That’s the problem with harboring, training and funding Nazis. It just doesn’t play well in the end.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming. But that doesn’t mean they won’t try.

Scared things are stupid things, and there are a lot of scared things in the System of Systems of late.


Thus, in a war built on the obfuscation and corruption of information itself, sussing out what’s real is of lesser importance than sussing out how falsity is influencing the Realm of the Real.

Put another way, it is of far lesser importance WHY something is true than THAT something is true.

As my friend and peer Chris Paul recently said, we’re watching a ‘Real Story’ play out in front of the Collective Mind, which is about as perfect a paradox as we can get to sum up the Info War, which is really a War of Stories.

Good thing we have better writers.

Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.

1,654 posted on 09/15/2023 1:43:24 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Never worry about anything. Worry never solved any problem or moved any stone.)
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To: OldWarBaby

anecdotally, what I had seen was, that combat vets volunteered to go back into the soup because they couldn’t stand the mundane routine of everyday stateside military life.

1,754 posted on 09/15/2023 10:15:44 PM PDT by stylin19a (The #1 Golf rule you MUST follow: take car keys out of golf bag before throwing it into the creek)
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