My Chinese sister-in-law loves the flush. In Chinese culture, rosy cheeks are so prized that women scrape their cheeks (or have them scraped) to gain that rosy glow. With niacin, all her cheeks are rosy.
With niacin, all her cheeks are rosy.
Hmmmmm, so you’ve seen ALL of your sister-in-law’s rosy cheeks? Do tell, AZL! 😏
Day 4- upped dose to 500mg in form of two GPR109A capsules.
Reaction: a little stronger than the 250mg niacin. The wild thing that happened today is:
It came in waves for over an hour...flush, no flush, then flush, no flush, etc. For some reason, I found this humorous.
Though mildly unpleasant, it was lovely to be able to be laughing at the waves, all the while. : )
With regard to the other GPR caps, I think I will use one along with the straight immediate release niacing capsules, just to be comfortable with this new adventure.
I am tempted to up the dose yet again, because the reaction was not really bad at all.....
Mrs. K