Hard to imagine they get some of their funding from our govt. Most of it however comes from the criminal activities they engage in which are worldwide and massive.
The CIA is another institution, like the media, which has been smoked out by PDJT.
Of course, many of us experts (formerly known as conspiracy theorists) have known this for decades, about the assassinations, drug running, etc. Heck, the whole country of Ecuador knows the CIA assassinated their president (which is why they have no extradition and were able to harbor Assange in their embassy for years).
But I truly think John Q. Public is finding out now, and the Agency has permanently lost its credibility.
There's no putting that toothpaste back in the tube. Jack Ryan is a wonderful fiction character, but so are Clark Kent and the Hardy Boys. The CIA can pump out fake news and propaganda as entertainment all they want, but I don't see most people buying it anymore.
Certainly not those who put the Q in John Q. Public.
Of course every strong nation needs intel. But this particular agency has got to go.