Highly likely that, even if/when Buy-Dung goes bye-bye, the Left would attempt to install Heels-Up Harris in the Oval Office. They've convinced themselves that no one will do anything other than bitch online about it.
HOWEVER, should the scrofulous Left embark on such a gambit, my own personal $0.02 is that it would be the perfect opportunity for a formal judicial Opinion to be issued by SCOTUS, reaffirming exactly what is (and is not) a Natural Born Citizen. Since Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 doesn't specifically say "born in-country of two citizen parents", they would have to consult Vattel's "Law of Nations" (on which the Constitution was largely modeled).
Justice Clarence Thomas doesn't need to do anything more to establish his legacy as a true Constitutionalist, but something like the above sure would be an appropriate "jewel in the crown", so to speak.
I have a fairly broad vocabulary, but, I had to look that one up.
Thanks. Now it's mine.