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To: Gunslingr3

What happened happened but neither Tradeua or FDR are in charge of anything in the U.S. today. If you want to pretend they are, that’s your problem. And how Bicoin value have you lost today???

36 posted on 08/18/2023 12:41:46 PM PDT by Wuli
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To: Wuli
What happened happened but neither Tradeua or FDR are in charge of anything in the U.S. today. If you want to pretend they are, that’s your problem.

The same tools they used are in the hands of those currently in power today, so the ability of the government to cut you off from those third party banking institutions remains. This is a fundamental weakness that the Bitcoin protocol obviates. Obviating that risk has value. More in country like Venezuela than Canada, but clearly both enjoy a level of risk with legacy banks that Bitcoin doesn't have.

And how Bicoin value have you lost today???

None, I haven't sold any today. Why would someone lock in losses, when you know the Federal government is going to keep issuing trillion+ dollar deficits for the foreseeable future that the Federal Reserve will print money to buy?

Knee jerk response to an intra-day move sounds like something a FOMO victim would do.

I have full faith that the politicians will continue to issue debt on the credit of the United States, and thereby continue the process of debasement begun in 1913 that has seen the dollar lose over 98% of its value in that time.

Cognizant of the risks, one should protect their savings in a store of value that the politicians have no power to debase.

38 posted on 08/18/2023 2:15:34 PM PDT by Gunslingr3
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