Yeah, sound about right.
If the polar ice caps and all the glaciers melted, combined with that 1.5 inches, mean sea level will probably only rise a foot.
Because IF any of the econut fear mongering about rising sea levels were true, then why are banks still financing ocean front properties with 30 year mortgages? Why are the rich buying up huge amounts of ocean front properties if it’s all going to be under water in 10 to 20 years?
It’s all a scam, it’s always been a scam, and it’s funded not only by foreign actors such as China and Russia, but by domestic malcontents such as george soros, bill gates, and others who hate this country.
Banks may be financing property near the ocean, but I bet they are requiring insurance. I own property near the beach in Virginia. Hartford dropped my insurance and I could only get state funded insurance for more than twice what I was paying Hartford. Apparently Hartford and other big companies are dropping shore property, or making more stringent requirements, or charging a lot more. I cannot get private insurance until the house has winter heating even though our plan was to use as vacation property. If I spend more than 1/2 of the current building value to improve it including the heating, then I have to elevate the building to a certain distance above the 100 year flood line. The permits guy suggested lifting the building would cost about $35,000. Now I am contemplating selling. If someone is rich enough to pay for all the new requirements, they can buy it.