If you haven't noticed, the DimWIT idiots playing politicians want to starve the US energy grid. It's only a matter of time before anybody and everybody who is tied to the grid is going to have their power go out in rolling blackouts.
In Texas a couple of years ago, people froze to death when the grid which relied on solar and wind power led to blackouts.
Some have a better idea.
If you can't power your home with 18kw of solar input and 12kw 120/220 vac to your home, you should probably downsize. When the neighbor's power goes down, they will see that my lights are on, my refrigerator and freezer are running and my minisplit heat pumps are cooling/heating as required.
The inverter/solar charger/grid charger (called the all in one) is on the left, the server rack batteries are on the right. Each rack can hold six batteries and depending on your circumstances, even a liberal moron should be able to calculate how many batteries they need to get off grid (or you can stay grid tied if you want to).
The politicians are promising to double the electric rates again AND make power unreliable. Welcome to the Biden/SOROS/WEF third world $hit hole. The payoff with $500/monthly electric bills won't be long even with $1500/battery up front costs.
The second hand solar panel market has significantly reduced that aspect of home electrical power.
My temps have been in the 100s for a while now and today I had to pay my $70.15 electric bill which isn’t bad for an all-electric house.