Either it's mental illness or it's a bot.
Try to remember, I have repeatedly requested that you STOP commenting!
NOTICE ON 07/08/2023 by Jim Robinson:
REMINDER: Please knock-off the abusive posts, name-calling, taunting, trolling, stalking, flame-baiting, insults, religious insults, flames, threats, ill-wishes, harassing & annoying posts, unwanted posts & FReepmail, etc, etc, etc
This is not DU!
Discuss the issues all you wish, BUT DO NOT MAKE IT PERSONAL!
Remember to use common courtesy when posting to FR. Leave off the insults and flames, name calling, etc.
***if someone says STOP, then STOP!
If someone asks you to stop posting, the adult and polite thing to do is to accommodate them.
Thank you all very much, and God bless you.”