Which mentality is close to what the manual of mendacity worked to achieve, a strategy set forth in the book "After the Ball" years ago by two homosexual Harvard-trained graduates, Marshall Kirk (1957–2005), a researcher in neuropsychiatry, and Hunter Madsen (pen name Erastes Pill) whose social marketing advocated avoiding portraying gays as aggressive challengers, but as victims instead, while making all those who opposed them to be evil persecutors. "The campaign we outline in this book, though complex, depends centrally upon a program of unabashed propaganda, firmly grounded in long-established principles of psychology and advertising." (After the Ball, p. xxviii).
Which includes promoting the premise that what is done in private does not affect you:
"as long as Joe Six-pack feels little pressure to perform likewise, and as long as the behavior in question presents little threat to his physical and financial security, he soon gets used to it and life goes on.... the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent-.. "
Note that Marshall Kirk (1957–2005) was a researcher in neuropsychiatry, and Hunter Madsen (pen name Erastes Pill), was schooled in social marketing. "The “born gay” hoax was invented in 1985 by Marshall Kirk and Dr. Hunter Madsen. Marshall Kirk graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1980 majoring in Psychology and went on to become a writer and researcher in neuropsychiatry. Dr. Hunter Madsen earned a PhD in politics from Harvard University in 1985, then went on to become an expert on public persuasion tactics, social marketing, and has designed commercial marketing on Madison Avenue. He has also served as a consultant to pro-sodomy media campaigns across America." - https://huntermadsenportmoody.wordpress.com/tag/harvard/
Marshall Kirk died in 2005 at the young age of 47. The cause of death has not been publicly revealed. But if you think obedience to God, including private, is not to be affirmed and promoted by the gov., and the contrary reproved, or that what is done in private does not affect you, then at least consider:
You post as though it is up to you to decide for others what their wisest course is and to mandate the same, It is not. Even though the choice is one that leads to disease, morbidity, mortality & is associated with other damaging practices God gave man free will and America is founded to respect individual liberty.
I hold no brief for the practice. I would mourn that decision in a family member but it is a personal decision. The only gleam of light is that statistics do not give information about the circumstances of any one human being. There is room to hope that any loved one can still forge a life that contributes to society, brings personal happiness and harms no one.
What I do not tolerate is depersonalizing anyone on the basis of the choice of a partner. Embrace of the “traditional” gay life style with numerous hookups, drugs, and other practices is a different story but it should be recognized that the same life style chosen by heterosexuals is equally reprehensible and debauched.