Made it to the garden this morning - everything is growing like crazy after the 1.5 inches of rain we got from 4 am Wednesday (rain most if the day Wed/Thur), ending with a T-storm downpour yesterday.
All the plants in the new herb bed look happy. My spaghetti squash is growing - a couple have gotten stripes. Dragon Egg cuke is loaded (here, there be dragons!). Jalapeños have peppers - might have enough for a batch of poppers. The dark purple dahlias are blooming like crazy - still waiting on other colors (they do have buds).
My dad’s tractor & his hunting clothes left for a new home today - mixed emotions for sure. Waiting for word/pics they arrived safely.
Got to finish cleaning out the PU bed today. I shoveled a yard of dirt last Saturday & while I had a tarp in the bed, dirt escaped. I had a bit of heat exhaustion & parked the truck in the horse barn aisle so the escaped dirt wouldn’t turn to mud in the rain. Today is the day to “deal” with the situation.
The tractor has arrived safely - had to traverse some mountain foothills & the last couple of miles were over very curvy, hilly roads with one lane bridges & barely room for two cars, much less the truck/trailer & other vehicles. The torch has passed - got a pic of my dad’s great-grandson (2 yo), sitting on the tractor. One day, he & his little brother, who is named after my dad, will be driving that tractor. 💕