How far back was that?
Doesn’t give the USDA constitutional right to do any of this either way.
When the USDA pays the bills, they can make the rules:
How far back? You mean contemporary nutritional standards are now superior?
Do you watch old movies? People were not obese
Do you want to pretend they were malnourished?
Parents can send their kids to school with all the sugar they think the kid needs to supply his addiction.
The USDA has been given unconstitutional rights to tell us what to do for as long as most of us have been around
What gives the us dept of agriculture the right to tell anyone how they should be eating?
It is stupid and unnecessary to give kids sugar. They fall asleep after lunch. They’re not active enough.
Our parents didn’t rely on the government to tell them what to give to their kids to eat
Chocolate depletes milk of calcium. Sugar interferes with concentration and causes obesity