Posted on 05/11/2023 9:20:54 PM PDT by RandFan
Notable Experience: (Linda Yaccarino)
1) At NBCUniversal, she currently serves as Chairman, Global Advertising & Partnerships
2) She sat on his President Trumps Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition
3) She is Global chair of YMU, a British talent-management group.
4) She is Chairman of the WEF's Taskforce on Future of Work and sits on the WEF's Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry Governors Steering Committee. e.
5) She is Board Chair for the Ad Council. She first served as Vice Chair before her appointment to Board Chair from 2021-2022.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
However, he says he will remain Executive Chairman and CTO (Chief tech officer) so I do wonder...
I think this might be a move to appease advertising conglomerates and the globalists more than anything?
Poor Tucker.
Henry Ford - Henry J. Kaiser - Elon Musk
Three greatest industrial development & production geniuses of the past 100 years...
So I’ll give him a pass even it she is a closet globalist...
It looks like he will still have a very much hands-on role
As I said I think she’s picked for her work in advertising world. Twitter needs those dollars.
But yes a lot of raised eyebrows at her WEF connections!
It'd be good if Musk gave Tucker's show a forum and put Tucker in charge of content and censorship issues. Now wouldn't that be sweet?
I think you’re right about how the set up will work
He says Tucker will be treated the same as any other user/content creator.
Geezus...take me off this planet.
I’ll just suggest that her ‘stay’ at Twitter is less than 12 months, and the stress-level will be such to wear her out. I’d also suggest that Elon is already looking for the follow-on person.
“She is Board Chair for the Ad Council.”
That alone says she’s a globalist plant. it’s the Ad Council that’s been pushing the LGBTQABC12345 narrartive along with the rainbow logos we’re all about to be inundated with again.
Worth noting Musk is not the only investor in twitter.
I think this is a sop to the globalists especially advertisers.
None of these people, Musk included, are normal people. He’s stated that Twitter will eventually become “X“… The everything app! Note that he has his claws in several major technological and industrial areas of globalness: Energy, Internet, digital currency, satellites, etc.
When yukking it up with “the folks” on Twitter, his winsome persona sheaths the claws. Even as I enjoy Twitter in its current iteration, I don’t trust the man.
Musk has made it clear that he intends to keep Twitter a free-speech bastion, and I’d expect that will remain the case regardless of who the CEO is. He owns Twitter lock, stock and barrel - he’ll continue to call the shots behind the scenes.
Sure Musk’s got warts like Trump what! And so what if thy’r making mony on what they build and invest in. They’re both lovers of our country and want to do good for it and the Freedoms we also want.
I agree.
I’m not joining the freak out in the linked thread. A raised eyebrow but not freaking out.
Elon ultimately still makes the decisions and he can still fire her.
Exactly. There’s too many things actually occurring atm that fires up my anxiety. I’m not going to get upset about something that hasn’t even happened yet. Nor do I believe Elon will let it go the route being implied.
Oh, Schiff, not again !!
They wont be going back to the censorship, etc.
I dont think Tucker is worried.
Also, this is a big promotion for her from current role to a CEO.
As a subscriber and on a personal level I wish her luck to be honest.
It’s just weird how the WEF have their claws in everything...
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