These people are out of touch idiots. When a company wants to rebrand itself they spend incredible amounts of money on market research on their customer base. It is obvious that Bud did not do this.
I could have done this research in a week with great accuracy at fraction of the cost. Go to bars of lower and middle and upper class and ask the customer what they think about a transvestite being the spokesman for Bud. Also go to grocery stores where most Bud is sold.
Do not bother with biker bars as the answer is NO and you might get your ass kicked.
Relative to Anhauser Bush, they are idiots
You don't even have to bother getting out of your car.
In those areas, Bud cans are strewn everywhere along the roadsides.
Just roll down your window and ask whoever you meet that is driving a pickup truck or a beat up car.