If we get into a shooting war with China you can kiss our aircraft carriers and much of our Navy goodbye. China has thousands of agents already embedded in the US and they could release chemical and biological weapons, along with taking down the electrical grid and sabotaging all kinds of critical infrastructure killing off many millions of Americans. Is saving Taiwan worth that? Neocon policy has accomplished nothing other than to cause the US to self destruct with unpayable debt. If Linda Graham wants war send his F3gg8T a$$ over there.
Well China has already flexed their bio weapons muscle I believe. So yes I agree.
“Neocon policy has accomplished nothing other than to cause the US to self destruct with unpayable debt.”
You have no understanding of how the world works.
Who owns that debt? It’s China, Japan, Germany, Saudi, and all the other secondary powers.
Us not being able to pay is their problem, not ours.
For 50 years the nations of the world have sent us tribute. iPhones, cars, oil. They have delivered them to America in exchange for no more than meaningless IOUs. That is our reward for being on top.