Trust for me in the MSM was completely demolished when they whole heartedly supported a Commander in Chief who got blow jobs in the oval office, and then he bombed Iraq on the day that congress impeached him for his perjury and obstruction of justice... Since then, I typically rely on anything other the main stream media.
I think that was a watershed moment in American politics. When the scandal broke, the newsreaders at some point seemed to agree “he will have to resign”.
And then, the Clintons circled the wagons, said FU “I ain’t leavin’”. And the press changed their tune, and started all this “consenting adults” nonsense and making excuses, and a very public discussion “education” was had for millions of teens who were told that blow jobs aren’t sexual relations. I think the unadulterated cheerleading for Team Democrat by the press started around that time, and calcified during the 2000 election debacle with Algore and his refusal to concede the election.
“Our Precious Democracy”.