Maybe the new system is cheaper to run than the current bank skim on credit cards and checking?
The underground economy is run by cash. The illegal alien population uses primarily cash.
That said, a digital government currency will facilitate greater control and surveillance over the people.
There is no advantage for you. It’s for them. They will control you. You will never be in possession of your own money. They will monitor every transaction you make. Win $1000 on a super bowl bet? They will tax it. ….this is the least of it.
It will be programmed. Use it or lose it. The economy needs to be “stimulated” so you need to spend your money or it’s deactivated. You will only be allowed to save what they allow you to save. At negative interest rates where you pay for the privilege of them controlling your money and allowing you to save anything at all.
Their end game is control. You will only spend as much as they allow, where they allow and on what they allow you to buy.
No ammunition for you. No red meat but all the cricket-burgers you want. You already bought your 10-gallon gas ration this month. No more for you. Climate change ya’ know.
Oh…and your anti-biden post on free republic? No airline tickets for you.
You will be a slave.